
Evening Poem

End of day
Sun is closing her eye
in a palette of corals and golds
soft turquoises and light pinks
Time then
to sit on the patio’s picnic table
the one my father built
oh so many years ago
before I was born
now painted a steel blue grey
and drink one last cup of coffee
not restless
going over the day
the good parts
the things I’m grateful for
the glitch to let go of
the goal for tomorrow
watching colors fade
and the moon awake
with her stars that have been here
oh so many years since
before I was born
appreciating our fleeting impermanence
and the earth’s resilience
in this colorful world so vast
it continuously amazes me
on this day now ending
I am humbled to have the experience of it
The picnic table now a shadow underneath me
and coffee cup now empty,
the moon guides me inside
to find sleep,
hoping for another day

Both & Neither
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