
Infertility As

prosthetic penis
bimonthly rush of gold aggression in a vial, intramuscular
one husband, one wife
one husband who was once not a husband
one husband who, ten years ago, would not have been permitted to marry
a pointless savings account
morning prayer
forest fires drowning already-barren land
the urge to strangle a mother cat after helping to deliver her young
a flashlight out of batteries
the turtle that almost made it across Hwy-20
the lost sock behind the dryer
a leaky umbrella
a failed breathalyzer test
60-pack disinfectant wipes for a stormy, muscular thigh
the same monthly phone call back home bearing no news
no news
a canned laugh track in a live studio audience
Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel
the law of the land
arriving first, sitting last
calling into a cave without the resounding echo
two thin lines over a flat chest
store-brand cough syrup that can’t quite kick the cough
spermless body, useless as a spoutless whale

Evening Poem
seeds of beauty