
Precious Divinity

You ask me what your dreams mean
Like I am a divine being
I give you words I have stolen from the mouths of those much smarter than me
I will let you think I am divine
For as long as I can stand to wear the wool of someone else’s skin.

After we fuck, you look at me,
Shrouded in false divinity
The droplets of sweat on my skin you mistake for glimmer
I run my hands down my face when you stare too long,
My fingers tug and pull and nudge at all the places my veil has snagged

Tell me to be transparent
Transparent enough to feel the closeness
You can no longer derive from your faith
But, not transparent enough that you can look through me
To the smudged mirror hung on the opposite wall
And see what you’ve become
I share your bed with the women that have come before me
Did they perform for you like I do?

Pour yourself into beads of jade
And I will string you around my wrist
Until the indents left in my skin are permanent
There is a woman inside my hollow rib cage who never liked you
Who never liked the imperfections I allowed you to see
But when you are gone she will be there to occupy the empty room in my stomach
And wrap her bony arms around me
I do not mind that she tells me I have thickened out
I agree
I look at her in the mirror and beg her to make me divine again

Rebbe in Silence
The Photographer as Witness