
Secondhand Jesus

“I have other sheep that are not of this fold, them also I must bring…”

(John 10:16).


Increasingly known are the perils of secondhand Jesus

Those who whiplash their way from San Antonio Aguas Caliente

over the rutted wash


in converted Blue Bird school busses

named King of All He Surveys

and My Savior Who Other


purring Chuj and Popti

four to a seat

in huipiles and thonged tire sandals


toddlers dangling from tzute cloth slings

are at particular risk

Those who bend to pull their daily bread


from market trash mounds

Those whose evening light comes from spent can votives

who follow barrio curs to hidden watering holes


and burrow their sleep into spent tarp bails

under cardboard lean-tos

Stunting is an obvious issue


as are: the urge toward groundless appreciation

and spontaneous genuflection

before any mystery


or cruciform construction

Masters Of The Wheel
Echoing Damocles