
The Truth about Oranges

An orange tree full of blossoms
weighs little more
than the tree beforehand
yet the strength of each blossom
pulls its fat fruit
from the underground
up the trunk
out the branch
past the leaves
with help only
from a random bee
which itself weighs little more
than the air that holds it up.

When one has
an orange tree
it is wise and proper
to eat some oranges
and to share some.

The saddest orange tree
is the one with
rotting oranges
and hungry neighbors.

The one who understands
is the one who
bases premises on blossoms
and is generous
when the oranges
are few and perfect.

Carlton Holte

Carlton Holte was born in Minnesota in the age of black-and-white TV; grew up playing under bridges, along creeks, and in cornfields; went to school and more school; and has juggled gigs as teacher, writer, editor, strategic marketer, and a few less wordy things. A recent transplant to Albuquerque, he is enjoying the sunsets and chiles, and tends to write about trees, blue water, and special people.

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